6 Surprising Things That Can Sabotage Your Credit Score
An excellent article about the biggest credit score landmines to be aware of BEFORE you go house shopping.
The bottom line is: if you haven’t spoken with a mortgage professional about getting pre-approved, do it NOW. Before you start making credit changes you think are right. If you have been pre-approved already, don’t do ANYTHING different than you have been unless advised to do so.
It is so easy to believe things you’ve heard from other people and run off to make changes that end up hurting you. The misconception that “if I close all my open credit cards, that will make me look better, right?” has killed more than one home purchase. Lenders want to see that you have credit, and pay credit. If you close all of your accounts, you have – nothing.
If you aren’t sure about what to change (or not), call us and ask. We’ll guide you 🙂